Current Projects

Artificial Lift

RL2 – SP1: Characterization of single-phase and multiphase flow within ESPs
RL2 – SP3: 1-D modelling of the characteristic curves of ESPs
RL2 – SP4: Development of automation and control techniques for ESPs
Financial Support: Equinor and FAPESP
Duration: 2019 – 2024 and 2024 – 2029

Flow Assurance

RL2 – SP2: Study of emulsions
RL2 – SP5: Clogging of chemical injection lines
RL2 – SP6: Flow assurance on underwater lines – A fundamental research on the mechanisms involved in wax deposition
Financial Support: Equinor and FAPESP
Duration: 2019 – 2024 and 2024 – 2029