
The ALFA research group has an extensive infrastructure that enables the development of RD&I projects and services applied to the oil and gas industry.

Experimental Laboratory of Petroleum "Kelsen Valente" – LABPETRO

The Experimental Laboratory of Petroleum “Kelsen Valente Serra”, known as LABPETRO, was built in 2005 with resources from the strategic partnership between UNICAMP and PETROBRAS.

LABPETRO enables studies and development of new integrated technologies for artificial lift, flow assurance, and multiphase flow. Equipped with modern infrastructure and high-tech equipment, LABPETRO enables researchers and staff perform industrial scale experimental assemblies.

LABPETRO employs teachers and students from the School of Mechanical Engineering of UNICAMP as well as its own team of researchers and technicians, who are specialized and trained to work in different areas of research to serve in the industry and academia.

The laboratory provides hazardous waste management and its own firefighting plan under current safety regulations.
LABPETRO is installed in an area of more than 1000m2. The building was planned to house modular experimental setups in long lengths, both horizontally and vertically.

The building is 50 meters long and 12 meters high, adequate for the construction of long flow lines and installation of equipment, according to the needs of the research projects.

The experimental apparatus available at LABPETRO range from small to pilot scale. The infrastructure comprises flow lines from 1 to 6″, tank and pump park with flow rate up to 200 m3/h, compressed air supply, nitrogen separation plant, modern instrumentation, among others. The laboratory operates both with model fluids, such as water, mineral oil, glycerin, and with crude oil.

Flow Assurance Laboratory - LGE

The Flow Assurance Laboratory was built in 2010 and is located CEPETRO’s main building. The research team is composed of highly qualified professionals and students from several areas of expertise, such as chemistry, physics, and various fields of engineering. At the disposal of the research team, a modern laboratory facility is employed with developing a wide range of research related to flow assurance problems in oil fields and new energy sources, focusing on new solutions and innovation. As an academic research center, we are also committed to teaching and training highly qualified human resources for the labor market by engaging under- and post-graduate students with research activities. The entire infrastructure is used to provide technical services to academic and business clients.

Main research infrastructure of LGE

  • Refrigerated Centrifuge Rotanta 460R (Hettich Zentrifugen).
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Q2000 (TA Instruments).
  • Optical Microscope (DM2700, Leica): 1000x of magnification, temperature control and z-axis automatic (multifocal with 3D reconstruction).
  • Profile analysis tensiometer PAT-1M with Droplet and Bubble Micromanipulator (DBMM) accessory for coalescence studies (Sinterface).
  • Rheometer MARS III (Haake) with pressure cell (400 bar) and optical microscope accessory (Rheoscope).
  • Rheometer Anton Paar MCR 702 equipped with Twin drive for stationary shear and microscope accessory.
  • Rotavapor R-215 (Buchi).
  • Chemical Titrator T50 (Mettler Toledo) for Karl Fisher and acid-base titrations.
  • High Temperature Gas Chromatography (Agilent 7890B) for characterization of complex samples equipped to perform simulated distillation of crudes.
  • Spinning drop tensiometer (Dataphysics SVT20N) with dilational rheology module for ultra-low interfacial tension and interfacial rheology.
  • DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering, Anton Paar Litsizer 500) for mean size and size distribution of colloidal systems, refraction index, molecular weight, and zeta potential.
  • Densimeter DMA4200 (Anton Paar) to measure densities of fluids up to 500 bar.
  • Explosion-proof drying vacuum oven (Binder VDL56).

Machine Shop

The ALFA group has its own mechanic shop in which machine tools, such as lathe, milling, band saws, drills and manual tools, are available to use in the manufacture and construction of experimental apparatus. All technicians are trained to operate all machines and high-quality systems. This infrastructure is also used for the maintenance and adaptation of pre-existing research lines.

Computational Labs

A laboratory for data analysis and didactic support for students is also part of the ALFA infrastructure. Computer rooms are available for students, post-doctoral students, and researchers for research and theses purposes.
High-performance workstations are available for data analysis and image processing. Programs were developed to reconstitute the flow velocity profile or two-phase flow characteristic’s inside pipes or pumps by the images captured by high-speed cameras and/or using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) systems.

Future Installations

A new experimental complex will be built to complement the research group facilities. The total area will be approximately 1480 m², consisting of an external part and a main building, which will enable the assembly and operation of experimental apparatus dedicated to studies proposed in research, development, and innovation projects. Upon completion of the works, the new facility will be used to study stop and start processes in pipelines operating with multiphase flows, within the scope of a project in partnership with Petronas Petróleo Brasil S.A.
The new facilities will occupy a property close to LABPETRO. The main building will be composed of control rooms and a meeting room, a locker area, a pantry/kitchen, bathrooms, and a dedicated room for a data server. The external part will consist of a support area with a power panel and an air compressor, a temperature control system, oil and water pumping park and an open area where the experimental circuits will be set up. According to the schedule, the new complex will be concluded by the end of 2023.