
About ALFA

Established in the 1990s from the joint efforts and research of professors Fernando de Almeida França (in memoriam) and Antonio Carlos Bannwart, from the School of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Campinas, ALFA became a group of excellence in oil R&D in the areas of Artificial Lift and Flow Assurance. Since then, we have developed research projects in partnership with industries and public foundations and have become a reference in solving problems and training and qualifying people.

One of our pillars is to develop research projects in the areas of petroleum and energy, which have both scientific and academic imprints, while generating solutions to practical and real-world problems faced by the industry. These aspects foster our human resources, strengthening the team and its relationship with the industry.

With large and small-scale projects spread all over the 1000 m² of available area, the interaction between the laboratories at ALFA – LABPETRO (Experimental Lab of Petroleum Prof. Kelsen Valente) and LGE (Flow Assurance Lab) – provides indispensable fundamentals for the research and enables the analysis and understanding of diverse phenomena. For this, we rely on the diversity of our team’s technical staff, composed of chemists, engineers, researchers, professors, technicians, Ph.D., M.Sc., and undergraduate students.

ALFA is part of the Center for Petroleum Studies (CEPETRO) and the Department of Energy of the School of Mechanical Engineering, both at UNICAMP, but we also rely on the contribution of several professors and researchers from other Institutes, Schools and Research Centers from Unicamp, as well as Partner institutions.


Train highly qualified professionals, contribute to the scientific and technological development, and promote innovation through research on chemical and thermofluid systems.


Solve complex problems by embracing different areas of knowledge.


  • Professional Ethics
  • Safety
  • Diversity
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork